Posted by: Raymond McDougall on 02.11.2021 | Filed under:


Specimen # 102608
Mineral: Thomsonite
Location: Cap D'Or, Cumberland Co., Nova Scotia, Canada
Size: 6.2 x 5.5 x 3.9 cm


This specimen is comprised of balls and clustered thomsonite crystals, intergrown with and adorned by clustered stilbite blades. It’s a great piece to examine closely, and also impressive overall – the top thomsonite ball is about 3cm in diameter, although is somewhat hidden by all the stilbite crystals. Up close, the individual thomsonite crystals are sharp and very well protected in the spaces among the stilbites. In excellent condition.

From the small 2020 find, this one hosts a lot of thomsonite!

(This is thomsonite-Ca.)

Additional information

Dimensions 69 × 50 × 26 cm